Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Gmail, this time you've gone too far.

I know, it's damned hard to read. Allow me: There's a hyperlink entitled "UnfaithfulWife", to a website called "marriedbutplaying".

Fuck THAT.

And for the record, that was NOT inspired by the contents of my Inbox.




Suzanne said...

I usually don't even notice those ads...

SassyFemme said...

I had one the other day, "Dick in a box, $13.99."

weese said...

trash... its everywhere.
hide your eyes.

yankeegirl said...

I guess it's better than the ones I get for male "enhancement" products, to which I respond, much like you, WTF?
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I keep getting a recruiting link to New Zealand's government website, saying the country needs skilled workers like ME and will help me immigrate and such—and I would LOVE to live in New Zealand—but when I click through my skill set is nowhere to be found on their list of needs. : (

Landlady of Fat said...

Ok THAT'S funny! LOL

greymatters said...

I kinda laugh at the ads and what gets cued up.

Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Ive read this topic for some blogs. But I think this is more informative.