Saturday, December 08, 2007

On Beverages and Being Lazy

It was a lazy Saturday morning. Quite uncharacteristically, we both slept in. Miraculously, the dogs allowed our slovenly behavior. Upon waking, the dogs needs were tended, but we elected to drink our coffee from bed while channel-surfing.

We ended up viewing a History Channel program on the, well, history of beer in America. From the early competition of breweries in Milwaukee to the vision of August Busch in St. Louis and later upstarts in Colorado, we learned of the challenges of bottling, the introduction of canning, and the woeful interlude known as Prohibition. More than once, the narrator mentioned Busch's dream of making America a nation of beer drinkers. After one such occurrence, Suzanne lifted her coffee mug in tribute and exclaimed, "I love these people!"

Coffee on lazy Saturday mornings is good. Almost as good as entrepreneurism and beer.




Lee said...

yes we do love those people :)

weese said...

we saw that show just the other night. i was drinking beer at the time.

Middle Girl said...

I am learning to appreciate the nuances of beer. More study is indeed in order. ;)

SassyFemme said...

I had just started exploring beer again right before starting the diet. The exploration will continue next summer on the deck.

Zoe said...

Mmm, beer. I never liked it until I discovered imports and microbrews.

Unknown said...

Not a big beer fan here!! But now give me a nice bottle of red that is something!!