Thursday, November 15, 2007

Nothing But a Number

'Twas the night before Chr--

No, that's not right. Let's see. It's supposed to be the story of when I turned 40, but that milestone hasn't actually occurred yet. Lest any of you old farts slightly more youth-challenged folks think I'm glorying in that fact, I am not. I have been acutely aware that nearly all of my blogfriends, many of whom I love dearly, are older. Genteel soul that I am, I won't name names nor point fingers. Some are older than others, of course.

Take Teresa. Hell, she's only turning 40. Forty. Big freaking whoop. Forty is young in my mind, particularly as I witness the energy, activity, and joy of those of greater chronological achievement. Of course, it helps that I'll be able to claim to be in the same decade as Suzanne when I do turn 40. I wonder what other distinctions will herald that hallmark?
  • As I will no longer be working for the agency that is slowly crushing my spirit, I may be employed in an entirely new profession.
  • I will be nearly three years into the Five Year Plan.*
  • I will almost certainly still be wearing braces.**
  • I will continue to revel in the joy that I glean from our amazing friends and pets.
  • My truck will be paid off.
  • We'll likely have a much better concept of The Boy's future.
  • My yard will be as beautiful as a golf course.
  • And, possibly, I'll finally have changed the picture on my Driver's License, replacing the picture from when I moved to Virginia - when I was 28, with short hair.
Why do I feel like I'll look back at this in a couple of years and laugh? Ah, well. This isn't truly about me, anyway. Today is the 40th birthday of my friend, and I wish her all the enjoyment a day may hold.

*More on that later. Maybe.

**Okay, the idea of braces at 40 isn't all that delightful.



Middle Girl said...

My picture is not quite that old but uhm yeah, I had much more hair and much less body mass. heh.

Nice post. Love the bullets.

Anonymous said...

40: Now with less soul-crushing spirit!

We should definitely use that in the advertising campaign to recruit you 30-somethings over to our side of the hedge—it is more a hedge than a hill, I think.

Thanks for the kind wishes.

Am I the only one who thinks EB's manipulation of my pic makes me look like I'm in the shower?

SassyFemme said...

You're not 40 yet? Why you little young'un! :)

sporksforall said...

This teasing about the nature of the five year plan needs to stop. Having you been watching Pinky and the Brain? Are you planning to take over the world? Can we know ahead of time?