Sunday, September 24, 2006

Assume the Position!

So, Suzanne and I are completely whipped when it comes to our dogs. That's right: they not only sleep with us in the bed, they also sleep under the covers. This is something of a departure from the "norm" of a few mere years ago, when our old Springers - and the cat - mostly slept at the foot of the bed. Dud, being both incredibly stubborn and incredibly spoiled, often flaunted the foot-of-the-bed rule, and would instead stretch out along my side. After the spoiling expanded to include Pixie at the top of the bed and under-the-covers snoozing for both dogs, our familial unit has developed a comfortable routine for bedtime, also known as "assuming the position".

Suzanne and I spoon in the middle of the bed, typically with her behind me, our knees aligned, and her left arm snaking under my arm so that her hand cups my right breast holds me close. Pixie then curls up in the crook of Suzanne's knees while Dudley snuggles in against my stomach. Sometimes I'll rest my hand on his head, or hold his paw. It's the perfect position. Go ahead, make your own "doggy-style" jokes... "assuming the position" rocks!

And a pic for weese:

Yeah, we let 'em chew treats and play with toys on the bed, too.



Syd said...

Holy shit, you two are whipped. I bet rolling over or getting up to pee is major ordeal.

Zoe said...

Dogs should be floordwellers. Don't ask me where mine sleep.

Anonymous said...

When I got my first dog since childhood last year, I swore he would not sleep on the bed. He didn't...for many months. Now he can choose whether he wants to or not. Am I whipped, too?

weese said...

thanks for the pic. I just love it when you supply it before I ask.

As for pets on the bed...
well, I just can't do it.
We recently started to allow our dog to sleep on the floor in our room occasionally (you know...she is sad now that she doesn't see Ferris slipping by at 3a.m. anymore)
Tho I am not even sure if thats something that will be allowed for long.

sporksforall said...

Very cute.

Biscuit sleeps in her crate. Locked in her crate. And I feel bad. Don't know which is worse: being whipped or being "mean."

WenWhit said...

I never said being whipped was bad. ;p

Suzanne said...

Rolling over and/or getting up to pee isn't as difficult as it may seem. Everyone re-adjusts politely. We're a flexible lot, we are.

SassyFemme said...

Oh Fran would never let the dog on our bed. Of course, our dog is smart enough to know to get up there (and on the couch) when we're out, and never get caught - except for the mysterious white fur on the couch.

Maggie said...

I'm whipped when it comes to dogs.
I started out telling her, "stay off the bed." But then she would put one paw up, then another, and when I skooched over, she crawled up.
What a sucker! It was great.

Teresa said...

How do guests fit into your dynamic? Both between you and S.? One between Pixie and S. and one between you and Dud?

And, Sporks, Biscuit likes her crate. She trots merrily into it at bedtime. Don't get all into feeling sorry for your deliriously happy dog.

WenWhit said...

Guests fit in the guest room, Scout. Do guests in your home share the crate with the deliriously happy Biscuit?

Teresa said...

Yes. Why?

Deb said...

My girlfriend and I love spooning... It's like a tranquilizer!

We had a dog once where somehow, some way, I developed allergies to ALL animals. I can totally tell if she brings in the dog from next door---my allergies and asthma kick up. I hate my allergies!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, am I the only one that got a huge belly laugh out of the "doggy style" comment?

We had two retired racing greyhounds, one of whom was a real snuggle bunny, I would have let her sleep on the bed, but my wife said now way, and no way it was. Sorry Zoomie.