Tuesday, March 27, 2007


My version of coordinating accessories goes something like this: If I'm wearing earth tones, I'll wear gold jewelry and put my hair in either a brown clip or band. If I'm wearing black/gray/blue, I'll wear silver jewelry and a black hair clip/band. Simple. Low-maintenance, even. Well, I also coordinate the color of my eye liner, but that's not the point.

For years, I was the only one in the house that even owned hair accessories. That, of course, has changed with Suzanne's longer locks. I generally keep my hair accoutrements nicely snuggled together in a tray in the guest room, where I do my hair. Now that we "share" such implements, however...

W: Do you know why I can't find any of my brown bands and have to get a new one almost every time I need one?

S: No. I picked up a whole bunch of bands yesterday and put them... places. [waves hand about]



Anonymous said...

and the meaning of the screw in the middle is?

WenWhit said...

You mean you don't keep extra screws handy?

Anonymous said...

yes, we have plenty in the workshop. I thought perhaps that one screw amongst hair ties had some hidden freudian meaning.

WenWhit said...

There's actually more than one screw, so maybe you have a point. :P

weese said...

this is so funny.
in my closet i have a small silver dish where i empty my change and pocket contents in the evening.
you will always find a screw, small drill bit, an allen wrench...something thats not quite change in there.

Middle Girl said...

No more hair goodies for me..daughter inherited all bands and whatnots(not that she wanted all of them), but errant/extra screws and things...abound.

SassyFemme said...

Geez, I didn't even notice the screw until I read the comments! I was too busy thinking how glad I am I don't have to share hair stuff with Fran, and that I need new hair scrunchies before the warm weather sets in.

I'm still scratching my head over your screws in the hair stuff, and all of Weese's stuff in her silver dish!

maxine said...

But Wendy, do you own a Hot Sock?

Syd said...

I always knew you had screw loose.

Badda boom...

Lee said...

I am terrible about having loose screws or washers or similiar things in my pockets...usually they turn up in the washer if I've forgotten to do a pocket check...

Teresa said...

Omigod, you are such a girl.

greymatters said...

I'm shocked you can coexist peacefully sharing hair accessories. Too cool!

Anonymous said...

LMAO! What a great picture. TOO FUNNY. Reminds me of when my sister and I used to share hair clips and scrunchies when we were younger. Italians with long thick hair...there was no shortage of hair accessories! Maybe you two should work on keeping them separated by using TWO different places...one for yours and one for hers LOL. Then you'd stop buying new brown elastics!

sporksforall said...

I gotta agree with Scout. The hair dealios undermine butch cred.

As for Suzanne leaving things around, I say, yay for around!

WenWhit said...

Woohoo, I have something (else) in common with Weese. And Lee.

You're a lesbian and a mom, Deborah. No doubt about it. ;p

You're a femme, Sassy. Duh.

As for the rest of you biatches...

Max - I ain't even asking what you're talking about...

Syd - pot, kettle... and bite me.

Scout - I am going to kick your ASS. And you KNOW I can.

GM - more or less. [grin]

Sarah - pay attention. Suzanne's such "places" are EVERYWHERE.

And Sporks - I see how you are. Giving cred one post, taking away the next. Just keep in mind, I could kick Scout's ass while wearing makeup, hairclip, jewelry AND a skirt. ;p

maxine said...

Yarn has nothing to do with it. Really. I promise.