Monday, March 26, 2007

Power Oops

Know what happens when one accidentally hits the metal sawhorse braces while using a circular saw on plywood?

(Hint: it makes a really horrid noise. The kind of noise that makes your teeth hurt.)

Yes, yes, that's right. It bends the teeth of the saw blade.

Obviously, we persevered. What kind of power tool dykes would we be if we didn't have extra blades on hand?



Syd said...

My goodness, you are a couple of dirty dykes, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

I shudder just thinking of the noise that makes!

weese said...

ooo you had extra blades oooo
(i did that once on a metal stud...eeeekkk)

het (aka quickfit) said...

thats the way girls, never give up until you get there !!


Unknown said...

Wow LOL. That is pretty funny. I keep thinking (in passing of course) that I should learn how to use some tools soon before I get my Lesbian Card taken away.

Unknown said... could be referring to so many many things...hmm...Never give up until you get there...ok, you can tell where my brain is today!

sporksforall said...

I see implements like that and then I see myself without a finger. You're a better dyke than I am, wenster.